Local health care leaders encourage residents to #SpreadJoyNotGerms this holiday season
Local health care leaders encourage residents to #SpreadJoyNotGerms this holiday season Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/Dec. 7, 2023 A joint statement from the Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team, Quinte Health and Hastings Prince Edward Public Health. The...
Safeguarding our communities this respiratory season
Safeguarding Our Communities This Respiratory Season Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/Oct. 18, 2023 A joint statement from the Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team, Quinte Health and Hastings Prince Edward Public Health. Residents of Hastings and Prince...
Introducing the HPE OHT Declaration of Values
Introducing HPE OHT Declaration of Values A declaration of values is intended to serve as a compass for the individuals and organizations who are involved in health care and reflects values that patients, families and caregivers find important to them. The HPE...
Engaging to Strengthen Primary Care
Engaging to Strengthen Primary Care On April 11, 2023, the HPE OHT released initial communication related to strengthening primary care in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. The OHT continues to recognize the challenges and unique experiences of so many in...
Strengthening Primary Care in HPE Update #1
Strengthening Primary Care in HPE Update #1 Amongst the Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team’s (HPE OHT) strategic priorities is “Strengthening the Primary Care Network”. The HPE OHT recognizes the significant challenges being experienced by so many in our...
Covid, Cold and Flu Care Clinics are Closing
COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics are Closing Belleville, Ontario – Last Fall, Ontario Health provided regions across Ontario with funding to operate temporary COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics. Locally, these clinics operated in Tweed, Belleville and Picton on a...
HPE OHT Confirmed as Lower Limb Preservation Integrated Care Program
HPE OHT Confirmed as Lower Limb Preservation Integrated Care Program Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) provide an excellent opportunity for the establishment of integrated clinical pathways which are the foundation for value-based care through enabling shared care...
Local health care leaders encourage residents to take steps to #SpreadJoyNotGerms and keep our youngest residents #HealthyForTheHolidays
Local health care leaders encourage residents to take steps to #SpreadJoyNotGerms and keep our youngest residents #HealthyForTheHolidays Hastings and Prince Edward Counties/Dec. 19, 2022 A joint statement from the Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team, Quinte...
Clinics for COVID, Cold and Flu Expanding to Picton
Clinics for COVID, Cold and Flu Expanding to Picton Picton, Ontario – The Hastings and Prince Edward Ontario Health Team (HPE OHT) is pleased to announce the expansion of the COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics to include Picton, Ontario. This expansion brings the total...
New health care option available this COVID, cold and flu season
New health care option available this COVID, cold and flu season Belleville, Ontario - The Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team is pleased to announce the launch of COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics in collaboration with Quinte Health, Gateway Community Health...
Land Acknowledgement
HPE OHT delivers supports and services on lands that are the traditional territory of many nations, including the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe, Algonquin and the Haudenosaunee peoples. It is also directly adjacent to the Kenhte:ke – the Tyendinaga Nation. These territories are governed by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement. We share a responsibility to acknowledge and respect the culture and history of Indigenous peoples, who have inhabited and nurtured these lands for generations. We commit to centering our work of overall health and wellbeing for all residents, with particular consideration for Indigenous peoples and all equity-deserving populations in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.