Structure & Support
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Backbone Support Team
The HPE OHT Backbone Team provides critical back-office support to the many facets of the HPE OHT. This support includes leadership support, project coordination, administrative support, communications and engagement, digital projects and data analytics.
The Backbone Team is a critical support function in the advancement of HPE OHT priorities and the broader transformation of the local health care system in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.
Cheryl Chapman
Strategic Implementation Lead
Abby Leavitt
Digital Health Lead
Christanne Lewis
Strategic Initiatives Specialist
Angela Mask
Senior Population Health Analytics Consultant
Sherry Rivers
Communications Lead
Anneke Yao
Project Coordinator
Julie Rickard
Administrative Coordinator
Land Acknowledgement
HPE OHT delivers supports and services on lands that are the traditional territory of many nations, including the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe, Algonquin and the Haudenosaunee peoples. It is also directly adjacent to the Kenhte:ke – the Tyendinaga Nation. These territories are governed by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement. We share a responsibility to acknowledge and respect the culture and history of Indigenous peoples, who have inhabited and nurtured these lands for generations. We commit to centering our work of overall health and wellbeing for all residents, with particular consideration for Indigenous peoples and all equity-deserving populations in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.