Stewardship Group

The Stewardship Group oversees, plans, supports, connects and stewards the activities of the HPE OHT in service to the Collaborative.

The Stewardship Group is responsible for:

  • Stewarding the Collaborative to meaningfully advance the OHT’s Shared Purpose in a manner that reflects its Principles of Working Together;
  • Whole system planning across the HPE OHT, including the development of shared priorities and an annual/multi-year strategic plan;
  • Advancing the strategic plan and share priorities across the OHT and within the Constellations;
  • Supporting the Constellations in advancing shared and local priorities and ensuring Constellations work in partnership across our communities for the benefit of the whole;
  • Supporting and endorsing Action Teams and Councils;
  • Optimizing funding and support opportunities for the OHT including reviewing and endorsing funding proposals for the Collaborative and/or Collaborative Partners;
  • Overseeing the HPE OHT’s budget, measurement and evaluation strategy; and
  • Supporting and guiding the Strategic Implementation Lead.

These activities fall to the Stewardship Group, to work collectively to support our unified direction.  Taken together they bring coherence for the HPE OHT, as we bring our shared purpose to life; Caring for Our Communities Together. Partnering for better health and wellness within, and across, our communities.


  • Ensures HPE OHT is unified in working towards the Shared Purpose
  • Promotes effective communication and collaboration across the HPE OHT
  • Ensures fiscal responsibility and compliance with all legislative requirements
  • Continue to promote building the resource backbone including in-kind contributions by Collaborative Partners
  • Ensures HPE OHT meets its performance indicator submission requirements
  • Promotes and ensures the activity across the Constellations is connected and promotes collaboration where appropriate and where synergies exist
  • Create an advisory action team from within the Stewardship Group to support the Strategic Implementation Lead to be available to consult on items outside of the Stewardship Group meeting cycle

Stewardship Members

Mayo Hawco

Stewardship Co-Lead

Executive Director, Gateway Community Health Centre

Sheila Braidek

Stewardship Co-Lead

Executive Director, Belleville       Quinte West Community Heath Centre

Odila Hoye

Stewardship Co-Lead

Patient, Client and Partner Representative

Dr. Robert Pincock

Primary Care Council Co-Lead

Physician, Belleville Queens Family Health Team

Stacey Daub

President and CEO, Quinte Health

Dr. Ethan Toumishey

Medical Officer of Health, Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

Dr. Carolyn Brown

Primary Care Council Co-Lead

Physician, Bancroft Family Health Team

Debbie Korzeniowski

Executive Director, Prince Edward Family Health Team

Debbie MacDonald Moynes

Executive Director, The Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association

Dr. Emily Callery

Physician, Central Hastings Family Health Team

Kate England

Patient, Client and Partner Representative

Phyllis Davis

Patient, Client and Partner Representative

Jim Pine

CAO, Hastings County

Marcia Wallace

CAO, Prince Edward County

Jennifer May-Anderson

Executive Director, Hospice Quinte

Mary Grattan Gielen

VP, Home and Community Care Support Services – South East

Jeff Hohenkerk

VP & Chief Transformation Officer, Quinte Health

Leanna Laing

Director, Home and Community Care Support Services – South East

Susan Barberstock

Director Community Wellbeing, Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte

Susan Sweetman

CEO, Childrens Mental Health Services HPE

Carl Bowker

Chief of Paramedics, Hastings-Quinte Paramedics 

Pat Dobb

Executive Director, Community Care for Central Hastings

Sandra McGrath

Executive Director, Bancroft Family Health Team

Wendy Parker

Executive Director, Lakeview Family Health Team

Jennifer Keilty-Friesen

CEO, CMHA HPE Addictions and Mental Health Services

Allan Katz

Special Advisor, French Language Health Services Network – SE Ontario

Land Acknowledgement

HPE OHT delivers supports and services on lands that are the traditional territory of many nations, including the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe, Algonquin and the Haudenosaunee peoples. It is also directly adjacent to the Kenhte:ke – the Tyendinaga Nation. These territories are governed by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement. We share a responsibility to acknowledge and respect the culture and history of Indigenous peoples, who have inhabited and nurtured these lands for generations. We commit to centering our work of overall health and wellbeing for all residents, with particular consideration for Indigenous peoples and all equity-deserving populations in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.

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