Primary Care Council

The Primary Care Council (PCC) is comprised of lead physicians or delegates from each of the patient-enrolled groups, the lead Nurse Practitioner from the Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic (NPLC), physician representatives from community health centres, and independent physicians within our region. The PCC participates in the work of leading positive change within Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. The HPE OHT places a high value on provider input and is a critical voice in transforming our local health system so that patients and clients within our region and those who come to our region for care receive the best care possible.

If you’re a physician or nurse practitioner and you’re interested in getting involved with the HPE OHT, please email info@hpeoht.ca


Land Acknowledgement

HPE OHT delivers supports and services on lands that are the traditional territory of many nations, including the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe, Algonquin and the Haudenosaunee peoples. It is also directly adjacent to the Kenhte:ke – the Tyendinaga Nation. These territories are governed by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement. We share a responsibility to acknowledge and respect the culture and history of Indigenous peoples, who have inhabited and nurtured these lands for generations. We commit to centering our work of overall health and wellbeing for all residents, with particular consideration for Indigenous peoples and all equity-deserving populations in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.

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