
Hastings Prince Edward Ontario Health Team (HPE OHT) Collaborative Partners have come to embrace the potential in working broadly across the partnership and value learning together and growing in cultivating knowledge and collaboration based on the diversity and experience each Collaborative Partner brings.  Yet, HPE OHT recognizes that health care and human services is a very local experience and requires a model that can leverage the Collaborative Partner base but addresses local health service delivery needs.

As such, a Constellation brings local health teams together around naturally occurring health and social care ecosystems so that Collaborative Partners can work together to support their populations.

The HPE OHT consists of four constellations: Rural Hastings, Quinte West, Belleville – Tyendinaga and Prince Edward.

Constellation Objectives

  • Continuously collaborate with the Stewardship Group on HPE OHT-wide priorities and collaborate with other Constellations as necessary to address local priorities
  • Be responsive to the evolving health and social needs of the local community
  • Harness the synergy of health and social service organizations coming together to identify and prioritize community needs
  • Implement local engagement and communication strategies
  • Create new and more integrated service delivery solutions in order to better meet local population health gaps
  • Measure, report and evaluate work being done
  • Wherever possible, identify and build the Constellation resource backbone to best support true and sustainable local service delivery changes
  • Be conscious of the Collective Impact framework and infuse creativity to reflect the place where ‘HPE OHT and Constellations are at’
  • Create and review a “living” work plan to guide deliverables

Land Acknowledgement

HPE OHT delivers supports and services on lands that are the traditional territory of many nations, including the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe, Algonquin and the Haudenosaunee peoples. It is also directly adjacent to the Kenhte:ke – the Tyendinaga Nation. These territories are governed by the Dish with One Spoon wampum agreement. We share a responsibility to acknowledge and respect the culture and history of Indigenous peoples, who have inhabited and nurtured these lands for generations. We commit to centering our work of overall health and wellbeing for all residents, with particular consideration for Indigenous peoples and all equity-deserving populations in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.

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